Friday Night Lights - Season 2
Season 2 opens with the Dillon panthers finding themselves without Coach Taylor, who is also missed by expectant mom Tami and adrift daughter Julie as a new school season gears up...
2 August 1983, Fort Hood, Texas, USA
20 July 1969, Fort Worth, Texas, USA
24 October 1990, USA
29 September 1984, Austin, Texas, USA
12 November 1983, Austin, Texas, USA
20 July 1961, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA
February 06, 2015
I think the writers have done a fine job setting the table for Season Two and providing those lovely little moments that continue to set the show apart.April 08, 2014
FNL still does no more than tell life-size stories about life-size people. In a universe of Dirty Sexy Money, that may not be enough, but while it's here, there aren't many better games in town.February 05, 2015
The contemplation of such complex questions makes Friday Night Lights a consistently grown-up show, willing to confront fading dreams and rash decisions without quite losing faith in the unpredictable transcendence of everyday life.February 05, 2015
Every team has an off season. But despite the reputation of That Bad Thing, Jesse Plemons can hold his head high about FNL season 2. He killed.February 05, 2015
The subtlety and restraint of the actors, particularly Chandler and Britton, makes the small moments all the more natural and intimate.April 08, 2014
The show doesn't back away from what happens in the premiere, and by early in episode two, we're at a point where the only way to fix it is to write out the characters involved.April 08, 2014
I can't imagine what stopped Emmy voters from lavishing this series with nominations this year, unless they failed to realize that it's not, strictly, a sports drama. I also can't imagine why [FNL] isn't a ratings success, except for the same confusion.February 05, 2015
Even among the many glaring problems, Friday Night Lights still proved to be better than most dramas on network television.March 28, 2014
This show captures a distinct culture, and the people jockeying for places in it, trying to prove, mostly to themselves, that their lives have value. And so Friday Night Lights has more than almost any network show today.April 08, 2014
The story arcs dare to treat small-town American life in all its solemn complexity. The characters rise above inert cutouts, each following a journey, for better and worse, worth taking.