Tim Rice
Birthday: 10 November 1944, Amersham, Buckinghamshire, England, UK
Birth Name: Timothy Miles Bindon Rice
Height: 193 cm
A prolific lyricist and librettist, Tim Rice was born in Amersham, Buckinghamshire, in the fall of 1944. Rice pursued his university education at Lancing College and, briefly, at l'Universite de ...Show More

Nowadays, I think most composers, if it's a team, if it's A and B, one doing music, one doing lyrics Show more
Nowadays, I think most composers, if it's a team, if it's A and B, one doing music, one doing lyrics, it would tend to be the music would come first, and with nearly everybody I've worked with that's been the case. The one great exception is Elton, who will only write a tune if he's got a lyric, so all those wonderful hits he's written with Bernie Taupin, they all came from Bernie first. Hide
I don't think I realized how big a name The Lion King (1994) is. It is a huge name. It's just one of Show more
I don't think I realized how big a name The Lion King (1994) is. It is a huge name. It's just one of those things, like 'My Fair Lady', that everybody's heard of. Hide
It doesn't really matter whether or not you consider Elton John a great rock artist, which he is. He Show more
It doesn't really matter whether or not you consider Elton John a great rock artist, which he is. He is an expert tunesmith. He writes beautiful melodies. Hide
[on Elton John] As you can tell by looking at his great oeuvre with Bernie, his songs cover a wide r Show more
[on Elton John] As you can tell by looking at his great oeuvre with Bernie, his songs cover a wide range of styles, from hard rock to beautiful ballads, a bit of country influence, blues influence, so he's able to take a lyric and do lots of different things with it. Hide
We are chronically short of original musicals, and if there are original musicals, great ones like M Show more
We are chronically short of original musicals, and if there are original musicals, great ones like Matilda or Billy Elliot, they're often written by people like Sir Elton who've been around for quite a while, and what we need is new, young composers. Hide
Tim Rice's FILMOGRAPHY - Page 2
as Actor (76)
as Creator (2)