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Ian Buchanan

Ian Buchanan

Birthday: 16 June 1957, Hamilton, Scotland, UK
Height: 183 cm

Buchanan was born June 16, 1957 in Hamilton, Scotland. He worked at a local hotel as a bellhop while still a teenager. By the time he turned 14 his parents, both of whom fought alcoholism, died sudden ...Show More

Ian Buchanan
When I was a child, I had an active imagination, like all children do. I didn't think that the way c Show more When I was a child, I had an active imagination, like all children do. I didn't think that the way children play, where they pretend to be someone else, had anything to do with acting, but I eventually realized that what children do is exactly what acting is about: becoming someone else. Hide
I go through phases. I either want to do absolutely nothing, lie in the shade and eat Bon Bons, or e Show more I go through phases. I either want to do absolutely nothing, lie in the shade and eat Bon Bons, or else I want to be so busy I don't know where I am. Hide
Ian Buchanan's FILMOGRAPHY
as Actor (120)