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Carl Reiner

Carl Reiner

Birthday: 20 March 1922, The Bronx, New York City, New York, USA
Height: 185 cm

Carl Reiner is a legend of American comedy, having achieved great success as a comic actor, a director, producer and recording artist. He has won nine Emmy Awards, three as an actor, three as a writer ...Show More

Carl Reiner
Inviting people to laugh with you while you are laughing at yourself is a good thing to do. You may Show more Inviting people to laugh with you while you are laughing at yourself is a good thing to do. You may be the fool but you're the fool in charge. Hide
I'm a charming coward; I fight with words. I'm a charming coward; I fight with words.
[on Steve Martin] He's one of my favorite people in the world because he's a cool cat. He looks like Show more [on Steve Martin] He's one of my favorite people in the world because he's a cool cat. He looks like an accountant, but he is one of the most tangential thinkers. He thinks in a way that nobody else thinks. He has a brilliant mind, putting things together that don't go together, and make you laugh. He's one of the great creative forces we have today. Hide
[on Sid Caesar] He was a saxophonist but had a sense of memory - where you pick up something and mim Show more [on Sid Caesar] He was a saxophonist but had a sense of memory - where you pick up something and mime it. We wanted to do a funny sketch with it. Sid pretended to open up a jar of olives in his hand. So, without knowing it, he screwed the lid back on and put it down on the floor. That's the greatest sense memory Iive ever seen. Hide