The Pom Pom Girls
The film tells a story of a football season at Rosedale High School. Johnny (Robert Carradine) and Jesse (Michael Mullins) determine to make their team become the winner, but someone does like their coach's attitude. An angry argument occurs. Besides, the players are interested in spending time with cheerleading girls which leads to chaos.
2 October 1949, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
20 April 1940, Newman, Illinois, USA
8 May 1951, Mobile, Alabama, USA
13 December 1931, Greenville, South Carolina, USA
11 October 1954, Los Angeles, California, USA
24 March 1954, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA
23 August 1951, Salem, Virginia, USA
6 June 1955, Los Angeles, California, USA
26 September 1915, New York City, New York, USA
26 April 1931, New York City, New York, USA
November 25, 2013
Obvious and determined shortcomings aside, the feature does a fine job itemizing the dilemmas of '76, developing into a beguiling snapshot of the way things once were.